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TRR 2011 Event Schedule

VERSION 3.0 = FINAL.  28-Sep-2011 01:00  ... Coaches - Download this interactive Excel file of the TRR Schedule to use as a planning worksheet.  

Notes for this version:

  • Events have been renumbered in this schedule to run consecutively - your particular event number(s) may no longer agree with RC.   The downloadable spreadsheet above shows the RC event number in column A and the new event number in column B if you need to see a cross reference.
  • New in 2011:  The "First Call" and "Final Call" times are now using the Beach Launch site as a reference launch location.  This means first call is 15' earlier than in past years if you are launching from the Docks at the boathouse.
  • Only the MO4+ was moved to be slightly earlier and further away from the WO4+ to accommodate hardware.
  • All Mixed events are now USRA handicapped.
  • At current event loads, it looks like the last race of the day will go off at 15:35.  At this point the order of events will not change, and the Start Times shown are considered to be FINAL.
  • If you have a logical and reasonable scheduling request, it is too late to make it known.   Keep it to yourself for now, but do let us know if you think it will help build a better schedule in 2012 - the Schedule Monkey at after this year's regatta.

*** C&C Meeting - 7:10am ***

CP/PHT Event
Event FIRST CALL (Beach) FINAL CALL START TIME ETA Return to docks Description HC # Boats
1 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a M Masters 1x Y 5
2 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a M Senior Master 1x Y 8
3 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a M Grand Master 1x Y 15
4 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a M Veteran 1x Y 7
5 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a W Master 1x Y 4
6 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a W Senior Master 1x Y 5
- 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a W Grand Master 1x Y 0
7 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a W Veterans 1x Y 3
8 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a M Rec Boat 1x   4
9 7:15 a 7:35 a 8:30 a 9:10 a W Rec Boat 1x   5
10 7:45 a 8:05 a 9:00 a 9:40 a W 4x   5
11 7:45 a 8:05 a 9:00 a 9:40 a W Junior 4x (HS)   5
12 7:45 a 8:05 a 9:00 a 9:40 a M 2-   20
13 8:05 a 8:25 a 9:20 a 10:00 a M Masters 8+ Y 3
14 8:05 a 8:25 a 9:20 a 10:00 a W Masters 8+ Y 10
15 8:05 a 8:25 a 9:20 a 10:00 a M Novice 8+   4
16 8:05 a 8:25 a 9:20 a 10:00 a M Novice 4+   8
17 8:10 a 8:30 a 9:40 a 10:20 a M Junior Novice 8+   28
18 8:40 a 9:00 a 10:15 a 10:55 a W Junior Novice 8+   21
19 9:05 a 9:25 a 10:20 a 11:00 a W Junior 2x **   16
20 9:10 a 9:30 a 10:40 a 11:20 a W Club 2x **   6
21 9:25 a 9:45 a 10:40 a 11:20 a W Open 2x   1
- 9:25 a 9:45 a 10:40 a 11:20 a W Master 2x Y 0
22 9:30 a 9:50 a 11:00 a 11:40 a M Junior 4+   49
23 10:05 a 10:25 a 11:25 a 12:05 p M Open 1x   13
24 10:10 a 10:30 a 11:25 a 12:05 p M Ltwt 1x   4
25 10:10 a 10:30 a 11:25 a 12:05 p M Club 1x   8
26 10:10 a 10:30 a 11:25 a 12:05 p M Novice 1x   10
27 10:20 a 10:40 a 11:35 a 12:15 p W Novice 4+   5
28 10:20 a 10:40 a 11:50 a 12:30 p W Junior 4+ (HS)   39
29 10:35 a 10:55 a 11:55 a 12:35 p W Masters 4+ Y 10
30 11:00 a 11:20 a 12:15 p 12:55 p M 4x   2
31 11:10 a 11:30 a 12:25 p 1:05 p M Club 8+   15
32 11:10 a 11:30 a 12:25 p 1:05 p W Club 8+  **   19
33 11:10 a 11:30 a 12:25 p 1:05 p Mixed 8+ Y 2
34 11:20 a 11:40 a 12:35 p 1:15 p M Masters 4+ Y 8
35 11:20 a 11:40 a 12:35 p 1:15 p Mixed 2x Y 3
36 11:20 a 11:40 a 12:35 p 1:15 p W Open 1x   2
37 11:20 a 11:40 a 12:35 p 1:15 p W Ltwt 1x **   5
38 11:20 a 11:40 a 12:35 p 1:15 p Womens Jr Ltwt 1x    1
39 11:20 a 11:40 a 12:35 p 1:15 p W Club 1x **   6
40 11:20 a 11:40 a 12:35 p 1:15 p W Novice 1x  **   8
41 12:05 p 12:25 p 1:20 p 2:00 p M Ltwt 4+   4
42 12:05 p 12:25 p 1:20 p 2:00 p M Junior Ltwt 4+   9
43 12:05 p 12:25 p 1:20 p 2:00 p W Junior Ltwt 4+ (HS)   7
44 12:20 p 12:40 p 1:50 p 2:30 p M Open 4+   50
45 12:50 p 1:10 p 2:20 p 3:00 p M Junior 8+    5
46 1:05 p 1:25 p 2:20 p 3:00 p W Novice 8+   38
47 1:20 p 1:40 p 2:55 p 3:35 p W Junior 8+ (HS)   28
48 1:40 p 2:00 p 3:10 p 3:50 p W Open 4+   28
- 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p W Ltwt 4+  **   0
49 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p Mixed 4x Y 1
- 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p M Ltwt 8+   0
- 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p W Ltwt 8+   0
50 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p W Junior Ltwt 8+ (HS)   4
51 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p W 2-   4
52 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p W Jr 2-   1
53 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p M Open 2x   3
54 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p M Master 2x Y 9
55 2:00 p 2:20 p 3:15 p 3:55 p M Club 2x   12
56 2:20 p 2:40 p 3:35 p 4:15 p M Open 8+   12
57 2:20 p 2:40 p 3:35 p 4:15 p W Open 8+   4
  • Per NCAA rules, women's events marked with (HS) are the only events allowed for secondary schools. 
  • Events marked with ** denote an event where if sufficient secondary schools register, a separate Junior category will be organized with the same start time.
  • Entry fees (sames as 2010):
    1x $40
    2-/2x $55
    4+/4x $75
    8+ $90

    Please Note:  Regatta Central is now passing through a $2 per competitor launch fee on our behalf to cover new costs that we must pay to the State.  This fee is in addition to the rates posted above, and it is $2 per competitor regardless of the number of events the competitor enters.   Coxswains ride for free.
  • $10 late fee applies to registrations after the deadline. If you need to make a late entry, please send your RC username to There is no guarantee on how long the late registration period will be open.