Welcome! Textile 2024 is ON — Sunday, October 6th, 2024.

Welcome! Textile 2024 is IN THE BOOKS

Thanks for playing, see you next year!

06 October 2024 -- THANKS FOR PLAYING

Most feedback was positive, and the weather could not be beat, so we hope you agree that today was one of the better Textiles in recent years. We're always looking to improve, so feel free to send us your feedback, pro and con. Thanks for coming!

  • PHOTOS - Album uploaded by dockmaster Carl is in the Photos section. Once there, click on the 2024-10 Album. This is a SHARED ALBUM, so if you had a team parent with a long lens, ask them to upload a few of their best shots for posterity. If they are logged in with a Google account, the image will be credited them.
  • PHOTOS - Just uploaded! 544 new photos including all of the "Medal Winners" images taken at the Medals tent and the Venue and Dock photos taken by Mike and Angel are here: https://adobe.ly/3Y8ZWT0. Enjoy! For the full resolution versions, contact Mike at franeypix.com.

  • Results are at HereNOW - HereNOW or visit the Results link here on our site for 2024 and past year results.
  • All 8 hours of the drone footage shot by HereNOW Sports is online over at YouTube... Visit www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4lTjPQG2p6SvRmYdlJBzw.
  • Lost and Found:
    • LOST: White burlap bag with one or two cox boxes, labeled MITRC. If this bag accidentally left with the wrong crew, please contact us.

05 October 2024 - One Day to Textile

  • View the recording of Coaches and Coxswains Zoom Meeting from Friday night! 1 hour of gripping entertainment and tips for rowing Textile. Note that if you view it on YouTube, there's an index in the description so you can skip ahead to the part you'd like to review.
  • Coxswain Clinic Video! Get a headstart on the Course: Watch the 2021 Coxswain's Clinic video by Mark Lewis. If you have any questions, send us an email or ask us on the Zoom call during the Q&A session at the end of the call.
  • We sent out this e-mail with the uber-checklist of essential things to know before you head to Lowell.

27 September 2024

  • New Event: By popular demand, we've addeed a Mixed Jr 4+ as the last event of the day. It's informally known as the Coach Jody Invitational.
  • We'll be sending out a reminder e-mail today to remind you that REGISTRATION CLOSES AT 11:59 PM on THIS SUNDAY NIGHT. The period known as Late Registration ends firmly at 11:59 PM on TUESDAY NIGHT. Bow cards are assigned on Wednesday morning.

22 September 2024

Just a reminder that escaped our notice in 2023: USRowing rule 2-409(a) prohibits the use of amplified equipment by supporters, and this goes for those along the boulevard in the final stretch of the Textile course. "You are free to use the unaided voice, but amplification is strictly forbidden. The appropriate penalty would be excluding the crew. A disqualification is reserved for the worst behavior and requires us to report it to USRowing."

16 August 2024

We will soon send out an email to all friends of Textile that says the following about this year's regatta. This home page of the website is otherwise known as the FAQ and always contains the latest information that we have, regardless of what you might have read in an email.

  1. Registration is OPEN at Regatta Central.
  2. We're NOT limiting the number of total entries this year. While we still prefer to offer events that have had regular popularity in years past, we are not constrained by launch locations as we were last year. We are constrained by staff to some degree, but we have a new remedy for that: we're asking for each club to donate a human for a 4 to 8 hour shift at the regatta. No experience necessary, but the more skills the person has, the cushier the job potential. To Emphasize: As an all-volunteer enterprise in a sport that prides itself on team work, we are setting a baseline expectation that each club should bring us at least one volunteer to help with the regatta production. Compensation will be commensurate with the swag we always provide to our volunteers, and that usually means a t-shirt, lunch and priority access to staff for special requests. We'll still have the other perks for donating a launch or other equipment we might need, so stay tuned to this space to find ways in which you can get entry comps. Send your warm-blooded volunteers here: VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION FORM.
  3. We're NOT capping the number of entries in most races. If we do cap certain Junior events, you should expect that the "A" version might be capped for one entry per club but that we will also offer a "B" version for the other boats on your team. The goal is to get everyone rowing, but reserve the "A" events for the best competition.
  4. Regarding the Schedule of Events: NOW is a GOOD time to send us your comments about which events should be added if you don't see them listed. We may ask you to bring the competition - i.e., we won't add an event if you're going to be the only entry. NOW is NOT a good time to comment on events being too close to each other for hot-seating purposes. We use a proprietary dynamic scheduler that sets the event start times based on registrations rates, but it IS a good time to think about events that might be close together and how that affects your ability to enter your desired events. We generally give priority to humans over hardware, so for example a Junior Boys 8+ "A" and "B" might be close together because we figure that the same children cannot row in both events, but it's possible that you might like to use the same boat in both events - and that might not be possible. Or you might be a Masters 8+ that would also like to row 2x and 4x with some of the same rowers. We cannot guarantee that all requests can be accommodated, but now IS a good time to start thinking about how our order of events maps to your desired entries. It's much easier to re-order events now before they start filling up with entries that won't want to be moved later. And we recognize that this is the first large regatta of the year for many schools and clubs, so we do try to accommodate as many requests as possible. But don't come to us after registration closes when there are 30 boats in an event that you'd like to move from the morning to the afternoon; We're pretty sure that won't be able to help you.
  5. The C&C meeting will be held on Zoom at 7:00 PM on FRIDAY NIGHT before the regatta.  THERE WILL BE NO PLACE TO ATTEND IN PERSON - ZOOM ONLY!  It will be recorded and posted on the website.  By eliminating the time taken on Sunday morning for the C&C meeting, we can make first call on race-day at 7:15 and the first race will run at 8:00 am instead of 8:30. With this, we hope to have the last event run before 3:00pm in the afternoon. This small change will result in a shorter day for everyone and less exposure to all the elements.  We will post the talking points before the meeting, and we'll take questions during the meeting and include them as part of the posted recording.
  6. The Beach Launch Area will be OPEN FOR BUSINESS this year. The Rourke Ramp "SDAFL" Launch Area (upstream of the Rourke Bridge) will be CLOSED this year.
  7. The course will be open for practice on Saturday before the regatta from 12pm to 5pm. If you bring a crew that isn't entered to race, they can at least get a run or two down the course during this open practice session. Please note that we cannot provide coaching launches during the practice but we invite you to bring your own and then let us use it as a marshal boat on race day. See the next bullet item.
  8. BRING A LAUNCH - GET A COMP. We spend a lot of time gathering and feeding launches for the regatta. If you would like to bring one for your Saturday practice and then make it available to us for use as a marshal boat during the race on Sunday, we will comp you one 8+ or two 4+ entries. First come, first serve, as of this writing we could use three launches.
  9. Registration at Regatta Central is OPEN through September 29-Sep. After that day, late fees will apply for a short number of days, and after that registration will be completely closed so that we can draw bow numbers.
  10. Trailers As usual, you'll be able to park your trailers along the boulevard, but the cab needs to detach and park in one of the trailer cab lots. We also need you to REGISTER YOUR TRAILER in case we need to have it moved. Parking in the main trailer lot can take place as early as Saturday afternoon, but we'll be actively managing that parking so don't just show up and unhitch without talking to us first. We also expect that you'll be able to park on the boulevard as early as Friday night. Bring your own cones and don't leave valuables in the trailer or cab.
  11. We remain optimistic about COVID-19, but just the same take a moment to read our COVID-19 SAFETY POLICY in case circumstances change for the worse as the cooler weather approaches.
  12. If you have a question, refer to the bullet numbers above and Contact Us by email.


Directions to the Textile

We don't pretend to be any smarter than the GPS on your mobile device, but there are some considerations regarding traffic at the regatta that Google will never know about. When you plan your arrival and departure, all roads will show "green". Then, just when you're actually trying to leave on Sunday afternoon, all of those same roads will be "red" with bumper-to-bumper traffic. So if you read nothing else on this page, take a look at the last paragraph for some tips on "Leaving the Textile at the End of the Day". By the same token, arriving at the regatta is usually much smoother because people and trailers will be arriving over the course of a day or more.


Follow Route 3 South into Massachusetts. Take exit 32 off of Route 3 at North Chelmsford. You will immediately be on a rotary.  Well it was a rotary a few years ago.  Now it's some hack of a traffic design that only a Bostonian could love.  Basically, you want to straight off the exit, get to your left so that you can make a left to cross back over Rt 3 and head straight onto Drum Hill Road.  Two or three orbits of this interchange should be all you need to master these directions.  You're on Drum Hill Road when you see paradise - a Starbucks on the left and a Dunkin Donuts on the right among other strip mall tenants.  Follow this road straight through TWO sets of lights.  At your THIRD set of lights bear left through the fork.   Follow straight through TWO MORE sets of lights (Market Basket on left and White Hen Pantry on your right). This will put you on the Rourke bridge which passes over the Merrimack river. Take a right off of the bridge.  The boathouse is 200 meters down on the right.


Follow either I-495 North or 128 North (i.e., I-95 N). Take to Route 3 North. Take exit 32 off of Route 3 at Rt.4 in Chelmsford.  Take your first right at the stop at the top of the exit.   Follow that straight through two sets of lights. At your third set of lights bear left through the fork.  Follow this road straight through two more sets of lights (Market Basket on left and White Hen Pantry on your right). This will put you on the Rourke bridge which passes over the Merrimack river. Take a right off of the bridge.  The boathouse is 200 meters down on the right.


If you coming from northeast MA, Portsmouth NH, or coming down 95 from Maine, take 95 South to 495 South.  Take to Route 3 North. Take exit 32 off of Route 3 at Rt.4 in Chelmsford.  Take your first right at the stop at the top of the exit.   Follow that straight through two sets of lights. At your third set of lights bear left through the fork.  Follow this road straight through two sets of lights.  At your third set of lights bear left through the fork (green arrow for left).   Follow straight through two more sets of lights (Market Basket on left and White Hen Pantry on your right). This will put you on the Rourke bridge which passes over the Merrimack river. Take a right off of the bridge.  The boathouse is 200 meters down on the right.

Leaving the Textile at the End of the Day

Your GPS has a major flaw.  It correctly tells you that the route TO the regatta is to get off at the Drum Hill exit of Route 3 and take the Rourke Bridge directly to the boathouse, but fails to let you know that leaving the regatta late in the afternoon is far easier if you DON'T use the Rourke bridge.  As with any event on this scale, the traffic going to the event is more evenly spread out than at the conclusion of the event when everyone wants to leave at the same time.  There are many bridges crossing the Merrimack north and south of the Rourke, and they are all trailer-friendly.

So here are some valuable tips on how to leave the regatta with your santity intact.   High School and Collegiate rowers:  Please relay this information to your trailer driver, coaches and parents.

  • For Route 3 South, 495 South/West:  Continue east on the boulevard away from the boathouse.  You will be on Route 113 which will take you into downtown Lowell where you can pick up the Lowell Connector which joins Route 3 and at a point more south and east than the Drum Hill exit.  This is also your quickest way to 495 in both directions.   For trailers, we recommend avoiding downtown Lowell - get to 495 using the directions in the next bullet.
  • For 495 North/East, 93 North and South:  Continue east on the boulevard away from the boathouse.  You are on Route 113 which will take you to Route 38, then 495 which intersects 93.
  • For Route 3 North:  Head west on the boulevard, but stay in the right lane and continue on the boulevard - pass the left turn for the Rourke Bridge (which is crowded with all the folks that haven't read this memo) and continue heading northwest.   A few miles up the road you can take the Tyngsboro bridge west to get on Route 3 at a point further north than the Drum Hill exit.

You should figure that the height of Rourke congestion will be somewhere between 3:30pm and 5pm.   So please consider these alternate routes to make a clean getaway.

If you're facing west from the parking lot when you try to leave heading east, you can make a right turn on many of the intersecting streets to get yourself going east.

We will be working with the Lowell PD to make your exit as pleasant and expeditious as possible.


TRR Course Map

TRR 2009 Course Map


The nominal course length for official purposes is 4500m.

Start Area Detail and Notes

Launch Sites

SDAFL is CLOSED in 2024

Beach Launch Area is OPEN in 2024

TRR 2009 Course Map

Printable in new tab

The SDAFL site shown on the map is also known as the "Rourke Ramp Launch Site". But this year we don't have the personpower to staff this location so it will be closed for launching but available for trailer CAB and BUS parking. The popular Beach Launch Area is OPEN this year. If your bus or cab driver wants to attend the regatta, consider driving them back from the Rourke Ramp Lot by car before you park in the convenient Main Lot across from the Boathouse.

  • Car-Topped Singles and Doubles Express Drop-Off: Drop off your small boats at the grassy knoll near the bay doors of the Boathouse, then go park your car at the Main Lot across the street. Please remove your boat ASAP after your event because this area becomes congested with fours and eights that will have no respect for your precious single.

Land Traffic Patterns

Sorry, NO COURTESY BUS this year. If you are a bus or trailer driver, drop your cargo along the boulevard, follow the yellow dots to park your bus or cab in the ROURKE RAMP LOT and have a teammate or parent with a car bring you back to the venue before they park in the MAIN LOT (cars only, $20 all day).


Printable in new tab

Venue Map


Printable in new tab

  • Trailer parking permitted in breakdown lane in designated areas. No trailers or parking in front of boathouse to end of vendor area downriver. Only vendors may park in breakdown lane adjacent to vendor area. Car parking across the street in the General Parking lot ($20).
  • Camping/rigging permitted uprriver of Trailer Parking lot and downriver past vendors. Keep in mind your distance from the two launch areas to allow sufficient time to get to your event from your camping location.
  • Check-in at the Boathouse to pick up your packet and bow numbers. Check in on Saturday from 03:00pm to 05:00pm or on Sunday morning starting at 06:00am.

Main Docks Close-up


Parking at the Textile

All cars must be parked in one of the two lots conveniently located near the venue ($20 on Sunday in the MAIN LOT), or FREE if you can find the very few on-street parking spaces. Heed the "no parking" signs because the private property owners are free to tow. Unfortunately, the CORP LOT is closed this year for repaving. Handicapped parking is available on the boulevard near the Boathouse and in the HCP lot near the Beach Launch site. There are no exceptions - there are mercenary towing companies (out of our control) who are on call with free reign to tow cars that are parked on the boulevard or in other areas where they should not be. If you are tempted to park on a side street or in the lot of a nearby business, be aware that the mercenary tow companies have contracts to operate on nearly every square inch outside of the MAIN LOT (Regatta Field) and any legal on-street parking. If your car has been towed and you contact us to complain, we will send you a link right back to this page. Again, "no parking" should be taken literally.

Car-top drop offs are available near the Boathouse and the Beach Launch site but NOT at the Rourke Ramp (SDAFL) launch site which is not available in 2022. At both drop-off locations, find a suitable space on the grounds to situate and secure your boat, keep your car flashers on, and then quickly move your car or SUV to one of the two main lots. It is VITAL that your car doesn't inhibit the arrival of trailers because your space becomes wasted boulevard capacity if two trailers surround you before you move to the parking lot.

Additional Notes on Parking

There are many U-Turn opportunities along the boulevard, and they come with a dedicated U-Turn lane. If you see an opening for a U-Turn but it doesn't have a dedicated U-turn lane, then it's not a legal U-turn and you are very likely to get rear-ended if you try to use them. Happens all the time. Please obey traffic laws.

  • Handicap Parking: There are HCP spots very conveniently located to the Boathouse and also the Beach Launch site on the river side of the boulevard. Look for the standard HCP signage and be sure to display your placard to avoid towing.
  • Singles and Doubles Drop Off: You are free to quickly off-load your boat anywhere on the boulevard. Please move quickly and do not inhibit the flow of trailers into the breakdown lane of boulevard. Remove the boat from your car and then move the car to one of the two parking lots. Be sure to tie down your boat to avoid damage from wind.
  • School Buses: Park for free in the ROURKE RAMP LOT across from SDAFL. Note: ABSOLUTELY NO SCHOOL BUS PARKING ON THE BOULEVARD.
  • Trailer Trucks (Cabs): Once you unhitch from your trailer on the boulevard or in the main trailer lot, proceed to the ROURKE RAMP LOT. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR TRUCK ON THE BOULEVARD WITH THE TRAILER. See the more accurate map on the Trailers page that you should read as well. Register your trailer at the Registration desk in the Boathouse so that we can contact you if your trailer needs to be moved.
  • Vendors: Our vendor partners have designated parking on the boulevard adjacent to the vendor area. Upon arrival, go to the check-in desk at the Boathouse to obtain a pass for your vehicle. If you have hired help that is driving by car, they must park their cars in one of the two car lots - they cannot stay in the vendor parking area. The vendor parking area is intended for the easy movement of your inventory and that of the other vendors - space is limited. The vendor parking section of the boulevard is about 100m downriver from the Boathouse, just past the Handicap Parking. You should have received a location map for your tent space that will make it easy for you to put your vehicle near your tent space.
  • Regatta Staff: ALL REGATTA STAFF, VOLUNTEERS AND REFEREES should park in the MAIN LOT across from the Boathouse. Obtain a parking pass from your committee chair to avoid the parking fee.

About the Dry Weather Lot

It may look innocent enough, but if we have rain this lot becomes a muddy swamp. Cars or cabs parked in this area may need be towed out. There are good parts and bad parts in this lot, so be aware that we may fit a limited number of vehicles in the flat portion of this grassy space and may then shut it down without notice. Do the smart thing and go straight to the ROURKE RAMP Lot which has a nice asphalt surface and is still close to the venue. If your bus or truck becomes stuck in the mud, please find a regatta director who will bring up this web page on his smartphone and show you that you were warned.


Trailer Talk: For Drivers and Coaches Pulling Boats


Clubs with trailers need to register the trailer with Check-In at the Boathouse when they arrive either Saturday between 03:00pm and 05:00pm or on Sunday morning starting at 06:00am.

To speedup the process, REGISTER YOUR TRAILER and then simply confirm with Check-In at the Boathouse when you arrive. We ask you to register in case we need to contact a trailer owner to have it moved. Parking for your Cab/Tow Vehicle is free at the ROURKE RAMP LOT.

Trailers are a constant source of amusement and anguish at the Textile. While we haven't changed much for 2024, we are making an attempt here to give better guidance on how to arrive and depart with a trailer and also offer some common sense guidelines to streamline the process.

If you haven't heard this elsewhere, the 2024 TRR is a one-day regatta on Sunday Oct 6th. The Saturday before the regatta is for setup, staging, and also for trailer arrivals. Trailers can arrive as early as Friday evening (park along the boulevard) and well into Saturday night. Parking in the main "Trailer Lot" isn't allowed until late Saturday afternoon when the cars start to clear out. Your expectation about parking in the Trailer Lot should include meeting up with a Textile rep at the lot as you arrive. We try to organize the lot carefully because it's very close to the main launch site. Also, check with your coach - if the plan for your team is to launch from the Beach Area, then the Trailer Lot will mean nothing to you since it's a full half-mile away from the Beach.

  • The Trailer Lot has been renamed "Hotel California", because like the lyrics in the song "you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave", at least until Sunday afternoon. Translation: If you arrive late Saturday afternoon to park in the main Trailer Lot next to the boathouse, be aware that we cannot guarantee a way for you to depart until Sunday afternoon after all the racing is done. If you're coming on Saturday and wish to leave mid-day Sunday, then resist the urge to enter the trailer lot. Instead, put your trailer on the boulevard to be assured that you won't be boxed in. We expect trailers to arrive for the Textile starting Saturday afternoon and we'd like to start loading the lot by around 4pm.
  • The maps found below show a suggested loading pattern for the main Trailer Lot. We continue to think about this, so be assured that we will be on site to assist.
  • NO CABS LEFT WITH TRAILERS. What we DON'T want is a boulevard with unusued capacity because the cabs are taking up valuable space. After you unhitch the trailer, all cabs should be moved to the ROURKE RAMP LOT on the "Varnum Loop". On Sunday we'll have a shuttle bus running the Varnum Loop that can bring drivers back to the venue and return them there at the end of the day There is no shuttle bus in 2024, so what we advise is that the cab should unhook the trailer on the boulevard, then proceed to park the cab in the ROURKE RAMP LOT and have a teammate return the driver to the venue by car before putting that car in the Main Lot. It's also a short walk for cab drivers who prefer to stretch their legs.
  • Your Team Food Trailer can stay on the boulevard. Again, the cab or truck that towed it there should be made to disappear, but the food trailer itself can stay on the boulevard. Just be sure to keep it off the grass.
  • COMMON SENSE: If your trailer is a side loader, that's great. But before you butt up against other trailers on the boulevard, consider that those trailers in back and front of yours may not be side loaders and will need space to get boats on and off their center racks. Leave adequate space to accommodate your neighbors, and that will also leave you enough space to reattach your cab when it's time to leave.

Key Trailer Elements of the Venue.

Venue Map for Trailer Drivers

Click the map to make it bigger

Venue Trailers

Higher resolution version in browser

Key Notes

Roughly working from the top of the map to the bottom:

  • The SDAFL Launch Site ("Rourke Ramp") IS NOT operational for 2024. It will only be used for CAB and BUS parking this year. Cabs should unhitch from trailers, get a parking pass at the Boathouse, and then proceed to the ROURKE RAMP LOT parking location. The Shuttle Bus loop will pass this location to bring people back to the Boathouse (Sunday only).
  • The Team Tent Area A is closest to the Rourke Bridge. Absolutely DO NOT move cones on the boulevard to squeeze in "just one more trailer" to be close to your camp site. There is room for approximately 3 trailers on the boulevard above the trailer lot, and if the fourth trailer extends into the cone area, it will be towed. This is a traffic pinch point for vehicles coming off the bridge, and it's going to be a major inspection point for the Lowell PD.
  • If you "always" use the Trailer Lot when you come to the Textile, consider that this year if you do, you have no guarantee of being able to leave until late Sunday afternoon. We expect/hope that the Trailer Lot will be available on Saturday night by around 4pm, but we'll have to be chasing out cars. If the lot is unavailable and you definitely want a spot in there, put your trailer on the boulevard and plan on bringing it into the lot early on Sunday morning, space permitting.
  • Absolutely DO NOT leave your cab with the trailer. Unhitch and take your trailer to the ROURKE RAMP LOT parking lot on the Varnum loop (white dots).
  • Absolutely DO check-in at the Check-In desk at the Boathouse when you arrive to secure a cab pass for your truck. Leave you name and contact information with the folks at the check-in desk so we can contact you if necessary.
  • Note that we will try to load the Trailer Lot in a particular order. See the Trailer Lot Detail Map below for the order of loading. The current plan is to fit 8 trailers in the Trailer Lot, but we consider spots #5 and #8 to be optional at our discretion. It will depend on how efficiently we can space your trailers with sufficient room for rigging.
  • Coaches: The theme for the Trailer Lot should be to (a) remove your boats for rigging, and then (b) either launch for your event or put the boats back on the trailer. In other words, space in the lot will be limited, and boats sitting in slings for extended amounts of time makes matters worse.
  • Absolutely DO NOT park in the Handicapped or Vendor spaces immediately below the boathouse. Zones are marked in RED on the map are considered tow zones by the mercenary towing companies we have on call.
  • The general rule is "no trailers on grass". Absolutesly DO NOT don't put trailers on the big grassy field down near the finish line, known as the "pavilion". Massachusetts DCR controls this space and also has mercenary towing companies on speed dial.
  • Absolutely DO NOT park cabs in the handy parking lot near the pavilion. That lot is reserved for HP, and venue and DCR staff.
  • For more information on where to put your truck after unhitching your trailer, visit the Parking page.
  • Given all the restrictions named above, it might sound like trailers are a big headache. Actually, there's ample room for all trailers so long as we all act rationally and follow the guidelines and hard rules. If you have a preferred place to locate your trailer, the best advice we can give you is to show up early and not at the last minute. At some point on Sunday morning, your best options will be down near the Beach Launch site - and that's a perfectly good place to set up your team and trailer, but it's not ideal if your team has already located themselves up closer to the boathouse. Work together with your team to plan out your arrival and departure and things can go very smoothly.
  • While we expect our signage to be obvious and ubiquitous, always observe local road laws.

Boathouse Trailer Lot Area

We try to manage the arrangement of trailers in the main Trailer Lot a little more carefully than we do anywhere else. Everyone wants to be close to the main docks, and that puts this popular location right on top of the dock queues.

Boathouse Trailer Lot Area

Click the map to make it bigger

Trailer Lot Overview

Higher resolution version in browser

Key Notes

  • After the turn off the Rourke Bridge heading toward the boathouse, there will be a line of orange cones to shift vehicle traffic to free up the breakdown lane for trailers. DO NOT rearrange the cones. There is room for 3 forty-foot trailers in the zone. The first trailer in the zone (#21) should pull up to the entrance of the trailer lot but leave sufficient room for other trailers to enter the lot. Keep in mind that those trailers may be making a wide turn from the opposite direction which has a left-turn lane into the lot. We will entertain exactly zero complaints if bows collide when a trailer tries to enter the lot and #21 is in the way.
  • The only chance for 4 trailers to occupy this zone is if everyone cooperates, everyone has side loaders, and one or two of the trailers are of the 32' variety carrying only fours.
  • This year we may assert privilege and eliminate positions #1 and #8. Anyone launching at the Main Docks during prime time knows that this is the collision zone between trailers and dock operations where boats are being turned and maneuvered in seemingly random directions, all under the watchful eyes of the dock masters. Eliminating these positions closest to the docks may give us a little more breathing room in the hot zone this year.

Boathouse Trailer Lot

The map and notes below are trying to show that trailers entering the trailer lot should meet a few nominal conditions, and arrival timing has a lot to do with how successful we are in packing the lot.

Boathouse Trailer Lot

Click the map to make it bigger

Trailer Lot

Higher resolution version in browser

Key Notes

  • Position #1 is key in setting the tone for the entire lot. Please make sure to have a Textile Certified Lot Technician (Carl or Jess) assist you if you're the first one into the lot. If we get that one correct, then we might be able to fit position #5 while maintaining useful rigging space between trailers.
  • Postion #6 should back into position parallel to the road, backed in far enough to maximize space for other trailers but without impeding flow into the lot. Position #7 should be a side loader, otherwise position #8 might not be usable.
  • On the boulevard adjacent to the Trailer Lot, we think there is room for 3 long haul trailers, but position #10 may need to be a side loader. We'll make a game day decision based on who shows up.
  • Timing: For those of you new to Textile, the Trailer Lot and adjacent boulevard parking in its vicinity usually fill between 4pm and 8pm on Saturday.

Hotels & Hospitality

TRR Rates and Discounts

Check back soon.

Hotel and Restaurant Management: If you would like to offer preferred rates or discounts to attendees of the Textile River Regatta, please send your information to info@textileriverregatta before Sunday September 29th for posting here on our site. Please be advised that due to time limitations we are not able to engage in protracted discussions or offer firm quantities for block rooms or minimum attendance.

Other Helpful Links

Where to eat:

Things to do:

General Info on the area:

Links and favorable hotel rates courtesy of

Directions to the Venue


For navigation purposes, tell your magic navigation device to take you to "500 Pawtucket Blvd Lowell MA".

From the North

Route 3 south to OLD exit 32. I have no idea what the new exit number is, and I'm not about to drive up there just to find out. Left at the second light at the far end of the square rotary onto Drum Hill Rd. Several lights to the Rourke Bridge, make a right off the bridge.

From either direction on 495

On 495 take OLD exit 35B to get you onto Route 3 heading North. Route 3 north about 2 miles to OLD exit 32. Make a right at the top of the exit onto Drum Hill Rd. Several lights to the Rourke Bridge, then make a right off the bridge.

Event Schedule

Note for friends and family: You really cannot get to the starting line of the course. Your best viewing experience is down near the finish line, and the boat you are cheering for is likely to appear in the home stretch anywhere from 12 to 25 minutes after the Start Time shown in the schedule assuming that the races are on schedule.

The schedule below is always in flux until we say it's final here in this spot. It normally goes final on the Wednesday before the regatta, and at that point the TRR/RC event numbers will be aligned and the bow numbers are assigned. Current version:

Filter events by clicking on combinations of buttons.
 |   |   | 
Hide deselected events?    Show row heights: Normal By Wall Clock
TRR# / RC#Est Start TimeEvent DescriptionEntriesD0'D1'D2'D3'Ma'
01 / 0108:001x  Mens Rec 1x (HS OK)
02 / 0208:021x  Womens Rec 1x (HS OK)
03 / 0308:041x  Mens Masters Novice 1x
04 / 0408:061x  Womens Masters Novice 1x
05 / 0508:081x  Mens Masters 1x
06 / 0608:101x  Mens Senior Masters 1x
07 / 0708:121x  Mens Grand Masters 1x
08 / 0808:141x  Mens Veterans Masters 1x
09 / 0908:254+  Mens Collegiate Novice 4+
10 / 1008:304+  Womens Collegiate Novice 4+
11 / 1108:351x  Womens Masters 1x
12 / 1208:371x  Womens Senior Masters 1x
13 / 1308:391x  Womens Grand Masters 1x
14 / 1408:411x  Womens Veterans Masters 1x
15 / 1508:501x  Womens Jr 1x
16 / 1608:521x  Womens Jr 1x U17
17 / 1709:154+  Mens Jr 4+ "B"
18 / 1809:254+  Womens Jr 4+ "B"
19 / 1909:404x  Mens Jr 4x
20 / 2009:454x+  Mens Jr 4x+
21 / 2109:558+  Mens Masters 8+
22 / 2210:008+  Womens Masters 8+
23 / 2310:054x+  Womens Jr 4x+
24 / 2410:154+  Mens Jr Novice 4+
25 / 2510:204+  Womens Jr Novice 4+
26 / 2610:354+  Mens Open 4+
27 / 2710:404x  Womens Masters 4x
28 / 2810:454x  Womens Jr 4x
29 / 2910:502x  Womens Open 2x
30 / 3011:002x  Womens Jr 2x
31 / 3111:052x  Womens Jr 2x U17
32 / 3211:102x  Womens Jr Novice 2x
33 / 3311:254+  Mens Jr 4+ "A"
34 / 3411:401x  Mens Jr 1x
35 / 3511:421x  Mens Jr 1x U17
36 / 3611:558+  Mens Jr Novice 8+
BREAK (45')
37 / 3712:408+  Mens Jr 8+ U17
38 / 3812:408+  Womens Jr 8+ U17
39 / 3912:404+  Womens Jr 4+ "A"
40 / 4012:554x  The Paul Wenger Mens Masters 4x
41 / 4113:002x  Mens Jr 2x
42 / 4213:052x  Mens Jr 2x U17
43 / 4313:102x  Mens Jr Novice 2x
44 / 4413:258+  Mixed Masters 8+
45 / 4513:304+  Mens Masters 4+
46 / 4613:404+  Womens Open 4+
47 / 4713:454+  Womens Masters 4+
48 / 4813:554+  Mens Jr 4+ U17
49 / 4914:002x  Mixed Masters 2x
50 / 5014:051x  Womens Open 1x
51 / 5114:071x  Womens Open Ltwt 1x
52 / 5214:151x  Mens Open Ltwt 1x
53 / 5314:171x  Mens Open 1x
54 / 5414:358+  Mens Collegiate Novice 8+
55 / 5514:358+  Mens Jr 8+ "B"
56 / 5614:458+  Womens Collegiate Novice 8+
57 / 5714:458+  Womens Jr 8+ "B"
58 / 5814:508+  Womens Jr Novice 8+
59 / 5915:054x  Mixed Masters 4x
60 / 6015:102x  Womens Masters 2x
61 / 6115:204+  Womens Jr 4+ U17
62 / 6215:308+  Mens Jr 8+ "A"
63 / 6315:402x  Mens Open 2x
64 / 6415:422x  Mens Masters 2x
65 / 6515:558+  Womens Jr 8+ "A"
66 / 6615:558+  The Jim Polcari Mens Open 8+
67 / 6716:008+  Womens Open 8+
68 / 6816:004+  Mixed Open 4+
69 / 6916:054+  Mixed Jr 4+
Regata ID from Regatta Central (official event list)
Regata Start Time (Minutes after midnight)
D0. Start line centers (seconds)
D1. Event separation (minutes)
D1. Only separate when event entry count greater than or equal to (entries)
D2. Big Event separation (minutes)
D2. Add the above per number of entries (entries)
D3. Event separation when boat flight changes to larger boats (minutes)
Arbitrarily round times up to nearest x minutes on wall clock (e.g., 2 or 5. 0 = no rounding up. Drastically lengthens regatta time)
Breaks: Enter pairs of EventNum:Minutes separated by commas
Enter password to SAVE and LOCK schedule
Generate schedule based on parameters above
Re-Load the currently saved schedule
Event separation Calculator. Enter two Event ID numbers and press Go to calculate hot seat potential:

Last Event starts at: 16:05


Average center overall (seconds): 52

Delta 01->20: 01:33, 127 entries, 366 athletes.

Delta 21->40: 02:40, 189 entries, 913 athletes.

Delta 41->60: 01:42, 116 entries, 624 athletes.

Delta 61->XX: 00:36, 51 entries, 342 athletes.

With Continuous Starting on 12 centers, regatta would end at: 09:37.

Flight gaps: 10 (20 minutes)

Empty events: 6

Duplicate events:

  • NONE

Download Excel XLSX File (Version 2024.09.30 21:12)

Rules & Classifications


AGE DEFINITION: Age is defined as your age on December 31, 2024. (New in 2016 - changed to agree with FISA/HOCR)
ABOVE ALL: Regardless of any overlaps you might find in the categorization of rowers or events, rowers in high school or youth rowing club programs cannot row in an event or with a crew that has collegiate rowers. Period. End of discussion.
NOVICE: First season in a sculling shell for sculling events. First season rowing for a high school, or first season rowing at the collegiate level for sweep events. So if you rowed in high school and are a freshman in college, you are eligible to row in a collegiate novice event with your college. New in 2022: Your Novice year is determined by your first TWO seasons – Fall/Spring or Spring/Fall. Don't over-complicate this. If you rowed in Spring and Fall 2021 you ARE NOT a novice. If you rowed only in the Spring of 2021, you ARE a Novice. If you rowed in the Spring of 2019 took the year 2020 off and then rowed in the Fall of 2021, you ARE NOT a Novice. Your status resets when you leave high school and go to college. You start your collegiate career as a Novice by our definition. All of this better aligns with MPSRA and NE Regional (high school) rules.
LIGHTWEIGHT: (Changed in 2011, now agrees with HOCR)
  • Crew of 2 or more: Men 165 lbs max, Women 133 lbs max. No averaging.
  • Singles: Men 160 lbs max, Women 130 lbs max.
  • Lightweight Weigh-In is on the HONOR SYSTEM this year as a COVID safety feature. If you don't look like a lightweight you should expect a protest from a competing crew and then we will drag out the scale right there on the docks.

The age classifications below are provided for possible future use.  However, since the TRR does not have age-specific or decade-specific Masters events, our rule is that any rower 23 years or older and not affiliated with a collegiate or secondary school rowing program may row in a Masters event.  The USRA calculation for handicaps will apply to all Masters events.

  • VETERAN:   Average age of rower(s) at least 60 years old.  No one except coxswain under 23 years of age.
  • GRAND MASTER:  Average age of rower(s) at least 50 years old.  No one except coxswain under 23 years of age.
  • SENIOR MASTER:  Average age of rower(s) at least 40 years old.  No one except coxswain under 23 years of age.
  • MASTER:  Average age of rower(s) at least 27 years old.  No one except coxswain under 23 years of age.  
  • MASTER "AA":  Average age of rower(s) at least 23 years old and not affiliated with a collegiate or secondary rowing program.
CLUB: Textile River Regatta definition in effect as follows:

Limited to person (including coxswains) who in ANY sculling or sweep-oared event (master or veteran events excepted) DID NOT:

  1. Earn any Senior World Championship or Olympic gold/silver/bronze medal since 1996 
  2. Earn a 1st place medal in any Championship (open) event of the Head Of The Charles regatta since 1996; 
  3. Compete in any Senior World Championships or Olympic Games since 1998; 
  4. Earn a medal in last year's Textile River Regatta open events.
  5. In the current year, reach the quarter-finals of the Henley Royal or Henley Women's Regattas OR finish among the top six places in any national team trials, national or international championships (e.g. FISA World Cup, US Rowing national championships Elite Only, Pan Ams, Lucerne, FISA Junior Worlds, World Under 23 Rowing Regatta, Head Of The River, London, etc.), San Diego CC (Copley and Jessop-Whittier Cup only), EARC or EAWRC Sprints, NCAA, Mid-West Championships, PAC-10, IRA OR finish among the top three places at Canadian Henley (Canadian Henley Junior events excepted) OR win the Dad Vail Regatta, Avaya Communication Collegiate Championship (novice events excepted). 

Race officials reserve the right to classify foreign crews into the appropriate event based on the racing experience of the competitors in the boat. 

JUNIOR / YOUTH: Any rower presently enrolled in secondary school.  We consider this to be the equivalent of "HS" or "High School" designations used in the past.
U23 / COLLEGIATE: Any rower presently enrolled in college or university and not eligible for U19 designation.  We consider the U23 USRowing defintion to be the equivalent of the TRR "Collegiate" designation.  Also includes a post graduate rower under the age of 23.
MIXED: In a Mixed event, crew must consist of equal numbers of men and women, not including the coxswain.  Note that all Mixed events at the TRR use USRA handicapping to economize on the number of separate events we offer.


COURSE: The Textile River Regatta is rowed over a nominal 4,500 meter course beginning below Tyng Island and finishing along the Heritage State Park walkway, approximately 1,000 meters south of the Bellegarde boathouse. The course is clearly marked along its length with buoys.
LAUNCH SITES: Boats are to launch from the docks at the UML Bellegarde Boathouse ("BOATHOUSE") or the City of Lowell Beach located next to the Pavilion (downstream from the boathouse about a mile, known as "BEACH"). Singles, 2x/2- and 4x/4-/4+ may launch from the Rourke Boat Ramp ("SDAFL") upriver from the boathouse about 3/4 mile [New in 2014]. While there is ample room for trailers in the parking lot of this location, the docks are not long enough to launch eights. Each of the three launch sites is staffed by one or more Dockmasters who have the authority for launching operations, traffic patterns and priorities at each site.

Priority will be given to boats launching for an event over those returning from a previous event.

All boats should launch no later than sixty minutes prior to the start of their event. A Dockmaster will be present to expedite boat traffic. ALWAYS launch and dock with the bow pointed upstream.  Boats should STAY ON THE NORTH SIDE of the river upon launching.   This is the same side as the boathouse.  The travel lane is entirely on the north side - there is NO river crossing.  Keep ample berth between the land on starboard and the course, which is designated by RED buoys on PORT.
BUOYS: RED buoys mark PORT side of the course,  and GREEN buoys mark the STARBOARD side.  What this means:  Keep the RED buoys to PORT at all times, both going upriver to the Start and on the course.  YELLOW  buoys mark hazards.  Do not try to put your oars over a yellow buoy as it might have drifted and you could hit the hazard it is marking.  Do not attempt to go between a green buoy and the shore, even on your way up to the starting line!!!!  Giant ORANGE buoys mark the start and the finish lines.

To Emphasize and Summarize:
  • RED = PORT, both on the course and in the travel lane.
  • GREEN = STARBOARD on the course.
  • YELLOW = Hazards
  • ORANGE = Start and Finish lines
START: Each entrant is responsible for arriving at the marshalling area ten minutes prior to the start of their event. Boats will be started in order by bow number at approximately ten second intervals. Late-arriving boats may lose their starting position or be excluded from the race at the discretion of the Starter. Boats must pass through the starting buoys to be officially recognized.

Crews late to the start may start at the discretion of the referees at the start line. If a late crew is allowed to start, a time will be recorded, however the publication of this time within the results of the original event and/or the boat's standing in the event are not guaranteed.

To do your warm-ups, move past the orange buoys marking the marshalling area at the Start. Make sure you do not continue upstream out of earshot of the marshals.

FINISH: Participants not passing between the two finishing buoys with bow marker intact are subject to exclusion from the race. Once beyond the finish line, boats MUST clear the Finish line and row clear of all the orange bouys following the finish line before turning. This is so you do not block the other crews as they cross the line. Impeding boats that are still racing constitutes a major (30 second) violation.
Warning: There is a waterfall approximately 1500 meters past the Finish line.  You should avoid rowing over the falls if at all possible.

To return to the docks, turn to port and return to the docks in the return lane along the wall.

Dock carefully with safety in mind and LISTEN for the Dockmaster's instructions. 

ELIGIBILITY: See Classifications at the top of this page.
EQUIPMENT Bowmarkers and bibs must be picked up at the Registration desk (one per boat per race).  All boats launching must have their bowmarkers secured.  Bowmarkers will be collected at the launch site.  BOWCLIPS: All boats must have a bow clip to which a bowmarker can be secured. We won't have spare bow clips at the regatta, so make sure your boat is equipped.  BOW BALL:  All shells MUST be equipped with a bowball.  HEEL STRAPS: All boats MUST have heel straps securely in place at launch time per USRA rules. This is a cool-weather regatta and heel strap compliance is a very popular item with the referees. 
PENALTIES & PROTESTS: Regatta Marshals and USRowing Referees along the course will be responsible for assessing penalties, USRowing Referees are responsible for hearing your protests. In the event you wish to protest, notify any Textile staff person who will direct you to a referee. USRowing rules shall apply if not specifically mentioned below.
  1. Any boat being overtaken must grant the right-of-way to the upcoming boat. An overtaken boat should begin to yield NO LATER THAN the point at which the overtaking crew is within one boat length of their stern.
  2. Boats must proceed downstream within the restraints of course buoys.
  3. Boats not observing course rules and/or impeding other crews shall be penalized at the discretion of Regatta officials.

    Minor Violations: 10 second penalty (e.g., cutting a buoy)

    Major Violations: 30 second penalty (e.g., not granting right of way)

  4. Protests must be reported to the Dockmaster immediately upon docking and then submitted in writing to a USRA official at the Textile River Regatta headquarters containing a concise statement describing the facts that underlie the protest (including a visual description of the incident in question, bow numbers of protesting and protested crews, and names of witnesses, if any) and the relief that the crew seeks. The protest will include the individual signature of a protesting crew member (usually the cox on a sweep boat) and will be accompanied by a check for $25 made out to the Textile River Regatta or $25 in cash. The written protest will be submitted to a USRA official at the regatta not more than thirty minutes after finishing that event.


Thanks for playing, see you next year!

Registration is always done at RegattaCentral.com and is usually open for Textile business starting around Thursday, August 15th.

45th Textile Sponsorship Opportunities

45th Textile Sponsorship Opportunities

Download PDF

Item Gold $1,000 Silver $500 Bronze $200
1. Your B/W logo and website URL in the 700+ printed event programs inserted into regatta packets
2. Your COLOR logo with click-through to your website or SEO/SEM campaign on the Textile website
3. Your COLOR logo on up to 1,000 "stickers" inserted into regatta packets

(Temporary Image)

3. Your B/W logo on one or two 4'x 6' event banners that will be located at the Boathouse and near the Medals tent. We'll be inviting all attendees to sign these banners for posterity.  
4. 3x Promotional Announcements of your choosing from Boathouse Announcer    
5. Your B/W logo on the "red carpet step-and-repeat" background where medal winners will be photographed by the official Textile photographer.    
6. Your B/W logo on 150+ Staff T-Shirts seen throughout the venue on Race Day. 2 complimentary shirts included (Specify size when ordering).

Gold, $1,000

The Gold package puts your image in the most noticed public locations. This level is a limited offering to the first 4 sponsors that sign up to insure that your placement is highly visible.

  1. Your B/W logo on 150+ Staff T-Shirts seen throughout the venue on Race Day. 2 complimentary shirts included (Specify size when ordering).
  2. Your B/W logo on the "red carpet step-and-repeat" background where medal winners will be photographed by the official Textile photographer.
  3. 3x Promotional Announcements of your choosing from Boathouse Announcer
  4. All of the elements of the Silver package below.

Silver, $500

  1. Your B/W logo on one or two 4'x 6' event banners that will be located at the Boathouse and near the Medals tent. We'll be inviting all attendees to sign these banners for posterity.
  2. Your B/W logo on up to 1,000 "stickers" inserted into regatta packets
  3. All of the elements of the Bronze package below.

Bronze, $200

  1. Your COLOR logo and click-through to your website on the Textile website
  2. Your B/W logo and website URL in the 700+ printed event programs inserted into regatta packets


  • Artwork above will be revised after I get back.
  • The "Bronze" level of $200 might be problematic, in that we charge vendors $200 for tent space and also give them a promotion in the event program and on the website. But I'm okay with that - it's a way of discounting our Vendor pricing to show our appreciation. Vendors are a good thing. So essentially, we're giving the Vendors "free" tent space with a Bronze sponsorship. Arguably, we might raise our Vendor prices $50...

Welcome Vendors

Welcome TRR Vendors

The TRR Committee welcomes vendors in the rowing community who wish to set up their tent at the Textile River Regatta on Sunday. We provide ample space between the Boathouse and Beach Launch Areas where rowers and guests are concentrated. We also offer advertising on our web sites and ad space in our Event Program at very affordable rates.

The regatta itself typically brings over 600 boats to the Merrimac River for a great day of racing and fun. Accompanying those boats are the over 3,000 competitors that row them, and a few thousand friends and family, all within a short walk of where we locate the vendor area downriver from the boathouse.

If you can't make it to the regatta, or just wish to increase your exposure to the rowing community, we offer the options of advertising on our MRRA and TRR rowing web sites and in the TRR Event Program. Our web sites generate high traffic, especially in the days before and after the TRR, and your ads are good for a full year from first posting.

NOTE: Please note that the TRR has a signed contract with N&D Sports for official TRR merchandise for 2024. Merchandise may not carry any reference to the Textile River Regatta without prior approval from the TRR and N&D Sports.


Tent space or ads can be reserved by selecting one of the options below and paying online, via PayPal or any major credit card, or via check sent in advance of the event. If you pay by check, it must arrive by the Friday before the regatta. Please make out check to Textile River Regatta Committee and send to:

Textile River Regatta Committee - VENDORS
P.O. Box 1493
Lowell, MA 01852-1493

We have simplified our pricing structure to accommodate the following options:

  • Reservation of a tent space (you must provide your own tent) will automatically include a web ad that will run for one year on the TRR site. All you have to do is send is a graphic and a url address to link to. Or just send us your web link and we will extract your logo or graphic.
  • Reservation of either a web ad (same instructions as above), a print ad (to be run in the event program), or both. Deadline for Web and Print Ads: 10 days before the Textile River Regatta which is being held on Sunday, October 6th, 2024.

Note that online payments using PayPal are processed using our MRRA account and your credit card statement will read from "MRRA" or "Merrimac River Rowing Association". You will receive a receipt via email from PayPal. We do not store any personal or credit card information on our site.

Item Description  Price


If your name appears in this list, we have received your request to participate as a vendor for this year's TRR. If you've paid but don't see your name, please check back - the site doesn't update in real time.

PPTX updated, 0/0.



01 ... TRR-VTENT (brian hebert ▸ biggreent5261@gmail.com at 2024-08-28 09:59) Payment Status Completed

02 ... TRR-VTENT (David Dickison ▸ davedickison0@hotmail.com at 2024-10-02 13:13) Payment Status Completed

03 ... TRR-VTENT (Michael Norwood ▸ mike@wearswoody.com at 2024-10-05 17:32) Payment Status Completed


  • Web ads must be paid for before the regatta if you expect to see your ad on the web site before the high web site traffic periods.  Allow 5 business days to have your ad placed on the site; less if we already have your artwork.   Web ads run for 365 days begining on the day of purchase or placement, whichever is later. Ads run on www.textileriverregatta.org and www.merrimackrowing.org (which hosts the Festival Regatta in June).

Details on Tents

  • We mark off an area directly downriver of the boathouse on the day before the regatta, you can set up your tent the morning of the regatta, or late afternoon of the previous day. The tents are all in the final 1000m of the race course and offer a great location near the rowers, guests and normal pedestrian traffic that is popular along this stretch of the boulevard.
  • We reserve a stretch of curb for parking during the regatta specifically for vendors. Note that this area is very heavily trafficked and spots fill up early. A dashboard pass will be reserved for you to pick up at the registration desk. You MUST have a pass on your dashboard or risk towing.
  • Locations will be assigned starting closest to the boathouse, in order of receipt of payment. We do reserve the right to make slight adjustments to this guideline for venue efficiencies.
  • Note that we do NOT provide the tent, only the space. If you need a space larger than 10'x20', please let us know by e-mail.
  • We expect to have a security guard patrolling the boathouse area overnight, but we cannot be responsible for any materials that you leave unattended at any time.

Details on Web Advertising

  • Your ad will run in a prominent location on each of our two websites, www.textileriverregatta.org and www.merrimackriverrowing.org. Each of them generate a substantial amount of qualified traffic from the rowing throughout the year especially in the days and weeks leading up to our two regattas.
  • Your web ad will be prominently displayed on the main page of the TRR website on a rotating basis where 4 ads are shown at a time. If you don't see your ad on our home page, refresh the page a few times and it should appear.
  • If you have a particular image that should be used, send a link to that image in an email.  If you don't have a preference, we'll take the likeliest image from your web site and create the ad and link for you.  In either case, be sure to specify the URL where you want the click to go -- some people prefer to have a special landing page on their site when a click-thru comes their way.
  • Your ads will run for a full calendar year from starting on the date of payment or deployment, whichever is later.

Event Program Ads

  • We have limited space available in our TRR Event Program on a first-come first-served basis.  If you don't specify otherwise, we will use the obvious image from your web site and show that image along with your company name and web site in the ad. 
  • We print and distribute at least  800 event programs free of charge to participants and guests. (In a normal non-COVID year).
  • Deadline for Web and Print Ads: 10 days before the Textile River Regatta which is being held on Sunday, October 6th, 2024.


Contact us at vendors@textileriverregatta.org

Contact Us

By E-Mail

Write to us at info@textileriverregatta.org.

By Phone, at your own risk.

In the days leading up to the regatta, sending us an e-mail is the best way to contact us, by far. We do have a phone number which is set to always go to voice mail, so if you've been invited to call us or you're feeling lucky, leave a message at (978) 710-8017


Team Tent Reservations

Team Tent Reservations

You can reserve your Team Tent spaces for 2024. Use the form at the bottom of this page to make your reservation.

Reservations are $75 for a 10' x 20' tent space. Tents are not included. Reservations are on a first-come first-served basis according to the date of payment using the PayPal link below. Space is limited. If we cannot accommodate your first preference, we will contact you to see if an alternate area is suitable or else promptly issue you a refund.

Reservations will hold your tent space for your setup starting on Saturday after 1pm. We expect to have your spaces staked out with signage by Friday night before the regatta, but we may be running into Saturday morning. Confirm your exact space location at the registration desk at the Boathouse sometime around Friday night.

Once confirmed, your space will be designated on our site map so that your crew and guests will be able to locate your camp site quickly. It's also a convenient way to know that you'll have a specific rally point in advance of your arrival at the regatta.

Note that these spaces are not intended for boat rigging. It simply gives you a way to have a pre-defined place for your team, boosters, parents and alumni to meet. Also note that trailer parking is not guaranteed, so it may be difficult to co-locate your trailer with the reserved tent space. All spaces are along the river walk above and below the boathouse and have perfect views of the last 1k of the racing. Area C is closest to the Finish line; Area D is below the Finish.

Also note that we allocate and stake the space on strict 20' boundaries. If you don't think your team will fit into a 10' x 20' space, please reserve two or more spaces as necessary and we will be able to insure that your spaces are together.


Tent Area A

01 ... Waynflete (Qty 1 by Catherine Stockly at 2024-09-27 09:39) Completed

02 ... Megunticook Rowing (Qty 1 by Erin Brainerd at 2024-10-01 12:29) Completed

03 ... CRLS (Qty 1 by Courtney Wilson at 2024-10-02 16:08) Completed

04 ... Duxbury Bay Maritime School (Qty 1 by OLIVER ROSENBLADT at 2024-10-04 15:45) Completed

05 ... Brewster Academy CrewBrewster Academy Crew (Qty 1 by Connor Wells at 2024-10-04 21:34) Completed

Tent Area B

01 ... Endicott (Qty 1 by george surabian at 2024-09-11 13:28) Completed

02 ... St. Mary's High School (Lynn, MA) (Qty 1 by William Goldenheim at 2024-09-19 10:00) Completed

03 ... Haverhill High school (Qty 1 by Jason Howes at 2024-09-27 10:03) Completed

04 ... Baboosic Lake Rowing Club/Souhegan (Qty 1 by Leigh Ann Evans at 2024-09-27 15:44) Completed

05 ... HHSRA (Qty 2 by Liza MacKinnon at 2024-10-01 17:45) Completed

06 ... Worcester Academy (Qty 1 by Robert Leaver at 2024-10-03 07:02) Completed

07 ... Neponset Rowing Club (Qty 1 by Thomas Leonard at 2024-10-03 15:42) Completed

Tent Area C

01 ... Amoskeag Rowing Club (Qty 1 by Lisa McCarrthy at 2024-09-04 11:16) Completed

02 ... Great Bay RowingGreat Bay Rowing (Qty 1 by Kevin Fernald at 2024-09-11 17:17) Completed

03 ... BC High (Qty 1 by Jeff Toto at 2024-09-15 19:19) Completed

04 ... UMaine Crew (Qty 1 by Jessica Kennedy at 2024-09-19 08:50) Completed

05 ... Arlington-Belmont Crew (Qty 1 by Salpi Der Stepanian at 2024-09-23 20:07) Completed

06 ... Boston Latin School Crew (Qty 1 by Charlotte Hemr at 2024-09-24 19:11) Completed

07 ... Greater Lawrence Rowing (Qty 2 by Richard Koehler at 2024-09-25 12:13) Completed

08 ... Marianapolis Prep Marianapolis Prep (Qty 1 by Anthony Dicicco at 2024-09-27 08:58) Completed

09 ... Friends of Concord Crew (Qty 1 by Steven Garside at 2024-09-27 22:02) Completed

10 ... Brookline (Qty 2 by Catie Szymanoski at 2024-09-28 13:23) Completed

11 ... Bromfield Acton Boxborough (Qty 1 by Holly Hatton at 2024-10-03 18:56) Completed

Tent Area D

01 ... Arlington-Belmont Crew (Qty 1 by Salpi Der Stepanian at 2024-09-23 19:57) Completed


tent reservations

Reserve your Tent Space

Use the map above to determine where you'd like to reserve tent space. Use the PayPal link below to choose your preferred area, and then complete the checkout process in PayPal. Space is limited. If we cannot honor your request for any reason, we will let you know and issue a prompt refund.

The Tent Reservation system is closed. It's too late to make a tent reservation for this year's regatta.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not elect to reserve tent space, we kindly ask that you respect the signage for those areas that have been set aside for clubs that made reservations. This may conflict with the location where you 'typically' set up at the TRR, but rest easy that there will be ample room for everyone - 80% of the venue space is open and not available for reservations. The point of making a reservation is for the convenience of having a known location and rally point for your team in advance of your arrival.

Photo Albums


Textile River Regatta - COVID-19 SAFETY POLICY

Version 2021.0 posted 07-Sept-2021.

Version 2021.1 posted 28-Sept-2021.

Version 2022.0 posted 27-Sept-2022.

We are excited to be hosting the Textile River Regatta in 2022, and the health and safety of our athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and spectators is of paramount importance. Consistent with guidance from the CDC and the state of MA, as well as the Covid policies in place at U Mass Lowell, the TRR will operate under the guidance established by UMass/Lowell here: https://www.uml.edu/alert/coronavirus/. As it specifically relates to the regatta this year, the following clarifications are in effect:

  1. Although highly recommended, we do not require that participants are vaccinated or can provide proof of vaccination status. We are simply not equipped to monitor this. For your protection, we encourage the use of masks and social distancing in recognition of the fact that there may be unvaccinated persons in attendance at the regatta.
  2. Access to indoor facilities - namely the boathouse - will continue to be severely restricted in order to minimize the density of humans in any indoor space. Unless otherwise directed or invited by a Textile staff member, entry to the boathouse is prohibited this year.
  3. We encourage you to test yourself if you are symptomatic or have had a close contact with someone who appears symptomatic using readily available rapid tests available in local pharmacies. If positive, we ask that you not attend the regatta. Instead, call or write us and we will scratch your entry and provide you with a guaranteed entry in the 2023 regatta.

The Textile River Regatta Committee is responsible for this message and reserves the right to change the policy at anytime. If you have any questions please Contact Us.


The Textile depends on its volunteers! As an all-volunteer enterprise in a sport that prides itself on team work, we are setting a baseline expectation that each club should bring us at least one volunteer to help with the regatta production. Compensation will be commensurate with the swag we always provide to our volunteers, and that usually means a t-shirt, lunch and priority access to staff for special requests. We'll still have the other perks for donating a launch or other equipment we might need, so stay tuned to the home page for other ways in which you can get entry comps. Send your warm-blooded volunteers here: VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION FORM.

C&C Talking Points

Hanging icons

Featured title

Paragraph of text beneath the heading to explain the heading. We'll add onto it with another sentence and probably just keep going until we run out of words.

Primary button

Featured title

Paragraph of text beneath the heading to explain the heading. We'll add onto it with another sentence and probably just keep going until we run out of words.

Primary button

Featured title

Paragraph of text beneath the heading to explain the heading. We'll add onto it with another sentence and probably just keep going until we run out of words.

Primary button

Custom cards

Short title, long jacket

  • Bootstrap
  • Earth
  • 3d

Much longer title that wraps to multiple lines

  • Bootstrap
  • Pakistan
  • 4d

Another longer title belongs here

  • Bootstrap
  • California
  • 5d