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Parking, Directions and Accommodations

Evacuation Route


Parking at the Regatta

Download the Regatta Info packet for detailed parking instructions.

The breakdown lane on the eastbound side of Pawtucket Boulevard is exclusively restricted to trailers and vendors east of the boathouse.   PLEASE obey the parking signs that line the breakdown lane.   Passenger vehicles are prohibited from this breakdown lane.  Bus and vehicle parking will be available across the street from the boathouse and in the soccer field across the street to the east of the boathouse.  This lot will cost $10.

Free Handicap Parking will be available downriver of the boathouse.  Additional parking will be available at the large lot behind J.J. Boomers Restaurant, about 1/4 mile westbound from the boathouse.  There will be a HP-accessible shuttle bus running every 15 minutes to and from the boathouse.  This lot will cost $5.

For teams traveling by bus, free bus parking will be available across the street from the boathouse in a lot adjacent to the main visitor parking lot.

Trailer parking will be available in the trailer-only lot immediately west of the boathouse, in the eastbound breakdown lanes well clear of the boathouse and past the vendor parking area eastbound of the boathouse.

Trailers also may NOT park across the street in the parking lot or in the soccer field per the Lowell Police Department.  

Check the Finish Area Map for parking locations.

Directions to the Regatta

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Follow Route 3 South into Massachusetts. Take exit 32 off of Route 3 at North Chelmsford. You will immediately be on a rotary.  Well it was a rotary a few years ago.  Now it's some hack of a traffic design that only a Bostonian could love.  Basically, you want to straight off the exit, get to your left so that you can make a left to cross back over Rt 3 and head straight onto Drum Hill Road.  Two or three orbits of this interchange should be all you need to master these directions.  You're on Drum Hill Road when you see paradise - a Starbucks on the left and a Dunkin Donuts on the right among other strip mall tenants.  Follow this road straight through TWO sets of lights.  At your THIRD set of lights bear left through the fork.   Follow straight through TWO MORE sets of lights (Market Basket on left and White Hen Pantry on your right). This will put you on the Rourke bridge which passes over the Merrimack river. Take a right off of the bridge.  The boathouse is 200 meters down on the right.


Follow either I-495 North or 128 North (i.e., I-95 N). Take to Route 3 North. Take exit 32 off of Route 3 at Rt.4 in Chelmsford.  Take your first right at the stop at the top of the exit.   Follow that straight through two sets of lights. At your third set of lights bear left through the fork.  Follow this road straight through two more sets of lights (Market Basket on left and White Hen Pantry on your right). This will put you on the Rourke bridge which passes over the Merrimack river. Take a right off of the bridge.  The boathouse is 200 meters down on the right.


If you coming from northeast MA, Portsmouth NH, or coming down 95 from Maine, take 95 South to 495 South.  Take to Route 3 North. Take exit 32 off of Route 3 at Rt.4 in Chelmsford.  Take your first right at the stop at the top of the exit.   Follow that straight through two sets of lights. At your third set of lights bear left through the fork.  Follow this road straight through two sets of lights.  At your third set of lights bear left through the fork (green arrow for left).   Follow straight through two more sets of lights (Market Basket on left and White Hen Pantry on your right). This will put you on the Rourke bridge which passes over the Merrimack river. Take a right off of the bridge.  The boathouse is 200 meters down on the right.